The only one in Korea that is compatible with the financial settlement service businessIntegrated solution provider for 슬롯사이트 지니 and non-슬롯사이트 지니 identity verification
Provides an integrated solution for 슬롯사이트 지니 and non-슬롯사이트 지니 identity authentication
Provides a full line-up solution including OCR, ID copy identification, authentication, and 슬롯사이트 지니 authentication
Convenient certification process with automatic shooting and image pre-processing functions
Korea's No. 1 company for building an integrated passport information management system based on 슬롯사이트 지니 recognition
Flawless safety with high performance and security
99% accuracy performance verification within 1 second
Korea's only company that has passed 1:1 matching and liviness evaluation by financial settlement agencies
The only company that prov슬롯사이트 지니es the Ministry of Foreign Affairs passport photo authenticity verification service to the financial sector
Safe internal control and enhanced security
Self-developed 슬롯사이트 지니 recognition source technology, customized for business
Strengthen internal information access security by linking various login platforms with 슬롯사이트 지니 authentication
Guaranteed performance on various platforms (Window, Linux, Andro슬롯사이트 지니, iOS, etc.)
Gu슬롯사이트 지니e to solutions for use in the financial sector
슬롯사이트 지니 ID
High security and convenience Guaranteed facial authentication solution