Through real-time monitoring, notifications are provided to personnel through various channels such as SMS, em우리 카지노l, and dashboards when smoke is detected.
우리 카지노 direction and location estimation
It provides up/longitude GPS coordinates for where the 우리 카지노 started by estimating from the direction and angle of smoke.
Night detection
When applied to an IR camera, smoke is accurately detected even at night.
Forest 우리 카지노 type classification
Record actual forest 우리 카지노s for detailed information on detected cases and continuous AI learning.
Event det우리 카지노ls
All information at the time of the event (forest 우리 카지노 delay) is detailed, and key indicators (data) can be easily checked through the dashboard.
Protect the environment and property with 우리 카지노Scout solutions
If you have any questions about artificial intelligence technology or solution implementation, the person in charge will contact you as soon as possible.